Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fabulous Food Show

by Beau Cadiyo

Yesterday was the first day of the Fabulous Food Show. I'm sure it was amazing; however, like normal people, Scarlet, Franks Hoxha and Li and I all had to work. I'm guessing that this is meant to draw food-lovers from around the world; however, it's amazing to me that they take the time out of their lives to come to a conference, arriving Thursday and staying through Sunday. Of course, there are many conventions I don't understand.

Anyways, I'm doing some research on soul food this morning and then I'll head over to the FFS. There had better be some fricking sandwiches at this thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Library research? Or fattening research? On my way home from the West Side Market I saw that a new restaurant opened up at 79th and Carnegie. Angie's Soul Cafe. Something like that. Do you plan to share the fruits of your research on the blog?