Tuesday, July 7, 2020


21 Elm Row
Edinburgh EH7 4AA

by Beau Cadiyo

Three points:

  1. If someone claims to be an "Instagram Influencer," it means that they take photos of their breasts to get attention.  Actually, the title "influencer" for any social media platform seems to be a self-admission that a person doesn't have qualifications or skills, or any reason to have an informed opinion on any subject, but is fully capable of paying to get followers on social media.  
  2. It is time to recognize that this is no longer the Chinese Disease, the Wuhan Virus, the Kung Flu, or any other name that associates it with China.  COVID-19 has now become a completely American Affliction, and other countries are right to treat us with suspicion, deny us entry across their borders, and treat us with a presumption of infection.  
  3. Related to point two: Trump and AMLO are meeting soon.  It would give me a huge amount of pleasure if they made a joint announcement that a brand new wall was being built along the border, and Mexico was paying for it - but that it was being built to keep Americans from sowing death and destruction south of the Rio Grande.  

Greggs is open again in Scotland after months of being shuttered.  I started with surprise when I saw the door ajar, and walked right in for a bacon roll.  It was good, but I have to say, my own home-cured bacon, with free-range scrambled eggs, a morning roll from Crombie's, and a dash of Heinz ketchup, was far better - and more satisfying to make. 

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