Sunday, July 26, 2020


137, 138 Princes St
Edinburgh EH2 4BL

by Beau Cadiyo

I keep seeing protests in America where people refuse to wear masks because they think that mask laws are a liberal plot to restrict their freedom.

For those who believe that the government is trying to restrict freedom by making them wear masks, they should also remember that the EPA also does not want them to drink gasoline.  If they want to take direct anti-regulatory action to oppose government infringement on their freedom to do whatever they damn well please, even if it has a negative health effect, I suggest that protesting this particular EPA regulation may be beneficial to everyone.  The best way to protest this might be to drink a gallon or so - perhaps while burning plastic and inhaling the fumes.  Oh, and inject some disinfectant while you're at it - remember, the New York Times LIEberals think this is a bad idea.

McDonald's is the same everywhere, but what struck me was the predominance of iceberg lettuce, and how tasteless it is.

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